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Hello and a warm welcome to my little corner of the internet… thank you for popping by.

I thought I would write this page so you can get to know me a little bit as a person.

My name is Katharine but friends call me Katie. I am a very spiritual person, born from many, many, personal experiences since I was a young baby-(shown pictured) which were paranormal in nature… as told to me by my parents, which alongside other key events made me naturally follow a spiritual path.

I personally realised very early on from only the age of 6 years old, that there was far more going off in this world than what we experience through just our five senses, after occasionally playing with some children who I quickly realised weren’t from this side of life, when it became quite apparent that the rest of my family couldn’t see or hear them.

Plus, other events too like seeing fairies in the rockery next to our garden pond, which I feel privileged to have encountered a number of times… hence, the bangles I now create inspired by the magic of the fairy realm! I would love to sit or play in the garden whilst listening to music on my Walkman, which greatly increased my vibration. 

Aged 7 I had an experience of automatic drawing in primary school, whereby I produced a picture of a Tuberculosis nurse wearing full uniform, which Linsu my spirit guide went on to explain was in fact a drawing of myself from my previous life, the teachers were so enamoured with the quality of the drawing, what they had witnessed happen and my description of what I’d said about the ‘consumption’,  that they took me immediately to the Headteachers office where it was framed and hung on his wall for all to enjoy.

Years later aged 21 this was elaborated on furthermore during a past life regression session with a psychic medium and hypnotist who went on to to say I had died in my early 40’s leaving my children very young and that TB would seriously touch my current life, but this time it wouldn’t be me personally, however throughout this difficult time I would gain two special things at the end of it. Years later my husband contracted TB resulting in a collapsed lung and twisted bronchiole to the other, and needing endless trips to and from the London’s Brompton Hospital for stenting procedures.

Due to having to stay home and quarantine for months after his diagnosis and recovery period, we did in fact gain ‘two special things’, as we found out we were expecting fraternal twins.

I also had an astral projection episode at 10 years old and had many other experiences of hearing, seeing or sensing spirit, seeing shadows and sparkles of light and colour, and even had my pony tail playfully tugged as I was brushing my teeth one morning.

Plus, periodically communicating with one of my spirit guides-(Linsu), and just having a general feeling of knowing that I was never alone… but never in an unsettling eerie way, on the contrary I felt looked after. I also knew the outcome about things that were going to happen next about certain situations and/or people.

Around this age as well… 10, I would intuitively decorate stones and pebbles with complementary colours for healing like violet and yellow, blue and red, or green and magenta… mixing the paints until I gained the correct hue that I knew I needed, but not thinking to question the reason why, but just had an inexplicable urge to do so. Similarly, I would also draw specific totem/spirit animals on the stones that I’d found, whilst walking along the river or the beach, and would gift them to my mum’s friends for good luck and prosperity, and would often smile when they told me they felt they had been relieved of an emotional or physical problem that they’d been suffering from, or in how they had won at bingo or a raffle upon carrying the charm on their persons.

All my experiences when young made me question the whole meaning of life, the spirit, angelic and elemental realms and everything else in between… I spent hours in the local library where I grew up flicking through book after book, in order to research and understand the answers to life’s big questions, with the inner desire to know more about my high level of natural sensitivity to energy and other people’s emotions and feelings… most kids were out playing games on the street such as British Bull dogs and Kerby, but I preferred to sit and read, desperate to understand the world we live in and beyond….. I’m a typical INFJ in that sense.

From doing this a deep passion for parapsychology, astrology, astronomy & the subject of life after death grew, alongside natural remedies and holistic therapies.

At this point in time, I also learned about the 5 platonic solids/sacred geometry,  vibrational essences/Bach flower remedies, sound healing, candle and moon magic, meditation, breath work, Indian head massage- (IHM), Hopi ear candling, reflexology, essential oils and the history and power of amulets, talismans and good luck charms… All of which I later became qualified in.

Again, even though I used to programme objects with positive intent from being a child, I still wanted a certificate for purposes of professionalism/insurance… that certificate is accredited by the IPHM-(International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine), International Association of Therapists and The Guild of Holistic Therapists.

A Romany gypsy lady once randomly stopped me in the street to tell me I was a Light Worker/Empath when I was 16, and was actually born to help others through my natural healing abilities as part of my soul’s purpose. This has been repeated on countless occasions over the years by an array of different psychics and mediums, which all gave me the explanation I’d been looking for years prior.

I was 13 when I fell in love with the healing power of crystals and minerals and with how they affected us, after discovering them by accident, when I happened to pick up a smoky quartz I was drawn to in the window of a quirky little shop that I’d happened to stumble upon in town whilst shopping for some new PE trainers and instantly felt my hand tingle… from there on in I was absolutely hooked, and my collection grew weekly, alongside packets of every fragrance of incense sticks available, crystal grids, tumble stones, miniature bottles of crystal chips, singing bowls and essential oils… basically, all my pocket money as a youngster went on items that aided me in raising my vibration, instead of buying what I was supposed to have to the distain of my parents.. I’d go to town for a new stationary set, but would go home three hours later with some new Tingshas instead!

It was at this time- (aged 13), that I was also introduced to the chakra system when I couldn’t take my eyes off a poster on the wall in the shop, and inquisitively asked the man behind the counter, ‘what are they?’ and pointed my finger up at the coloured circles. The minute he explained the main 7 chakras that was it, something inside me just clicked, that much so that I immediately bought a book, my first pendulum and a wand, and moving forward learned everything I possibly could about the chakra system, and how my crystals were formed, what each one does and how to use them for different purposes for the benefit of myself & others via the chakra system.
Making crystal grids, balancing chakras & cleansing auras was something I confidently spent a lot of time doing for family and friends as a teenager… with the grids still being an integral part of my practice today, 30 years later!

Then when I was 15 years old, I experienced first-hand the amazing effects of colour on the human body, after realising the colour of my red nightwear was making me feel overly warm, too energetic and unable to sleep. However, that quickly changed when I subconsciously switched my nightie to blue. I felt instantly relaxed and fell asleep… I knew it wasn’t a coincidence!

Moving forward, because of this I purposely started to experiment on myself, choosing the different colours of the rainbow to wear periodically, especially garments made of pure silk to naturally boost me up or relax me- believe you me this was an expensive test for my folks and one which ultimately saw me working on the local market selling footwear to aid buying more silk garments, or fabric. Doing this was an invaluable time for me, as I came to the conclusion that silk was the best material for healing purposes, and is one of the reasons why I studied fashion in my later teens, in order to incorporate colour and other natural cloth into the clothes I designed/made.

Later on, I took my love and passion for energy healing to a professional capacity as it was then possible for me to train and gain accredited qualifications, insurance and membership to specific bodies- (mentioned above!) which of course were all imperative in order to work ethically and professionally, whereas when I was younger unfortunately there wasn’t many people teaching it, not local to me anyway, nor for someone so young, which was frustrating at the time hence my art and design background, which I subsequently followed with energy healing running heavily alongside it… not so much as a hobby, but literally a way of life for myself and loved ones in order to feel great on all levels of our being.

Had there been a training school to help me become an energy healer at 16 I would have done so in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anyone at the time local enough to help me achieve my goal of one day practicing in a professional capacity… in fact my school careers officer even laughed at the very idea of it as sounded too witchy for him and suggested I become a nurse to help people instead. This was frustrating to hear, but left me with little choice other than to accept it, as I wasn’t even able to drive as was too young to learn.

Upon finishing my courses at the School of Creative Arts in Doncaster, I then worked as a clubwear designer to help boost people’s self-esteem and confidence through the colour of their clothing and/or accessories.

After a few years working in the fashion industry, and using the above methods of healing, merely as a way to maintain my own health and well-being and that of my loved ones, I went onto obtain a BA- (Hons) degree in Fashion Design from the University of Huddersfield in the UK… graduating in 2004. I then personally trained to qualify and work with colour further to an advanced healing level, by the fabulous Colour Consultant, Therapist and Author Suzy Chiazzari. Again, even though I had years of experience working with energy and colour, I needed the certification to practice professionally.

Moving forward, the universe eventually aligned me with like-minded individuals who helped me realise my dream of my own independent practice, and once I was qualified and insured in many different holistic therapies- (primarily in vibrational healing), I set up my business.

I was working as an Advanced Master Vibrational Practitioner/Teacher in a self-employed capacity for 5 years running ‘Aquarius Therapies/Art’- (aptly named after my children’s birth signs) which was a dual aspect business run from my home, providing treatments, consisting of Colour Therapy, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Andromeda Healing- (breath work), Angel Healing and Sound Healing… integrating colour and light with scents and sounds to help people holistically from a safe and secure environment, bringing about a feeling of deep relaxation to aid the clients own individual healing process. 

Alongside the therapies I provided, I was also a portrait artist, painting people and/or their animal companions from this side of life and those who had crossed over, using their photographs as a base. I then infused the finished artwork with reiki energy and added ethereal crystals for the recipients.

At this point I also made fairy jars, witch balls, angel wings and an array of chakra gifts, which I sold whilst displaying examples of my artwork at various times throughout the year at Body, Mind and Spirit events, as well as from my therapy room.

During this time, I was also a professional member of CAM- (Complementary Medical Association) The Guild of Holistic Therapists, and a registered member of the Therapy Directory.

Unfortunately, my lovely mum got lung cancer and underwent a lobectomy and chemotherapy treatment and was extremely poorly, so I naturally focused the majority of my time and energy on supporting her and my dad through that very difficult journey, then just as I was about to get back to some level of normality workwise, the Coronavirus pandemic hit us, and the national lockdown coincided with renewing my yearly professional memberships, and website/hosting fees for Aquarius Therapies… which sadly would have all proved to be a waste of money, considering my hands were tied due to the world’s circumstances, thus unable to practice… and at that point I didn’t know how long the situation was going to last for.

Moreover, both the framing companies I used for my paintings were also affected by Covid, with one closed for business temporarily, and the other closing down completely. As a result, I had portraits laid all over my studio floor for months, so this for me was a double blow, as I was deeply passionate about my work.

However, me being me recognised that as one door closes another opens and that everything happens for a reason, even when it stings at the time, I knew I’d be alright. I felt assured in knowing that God knew what he was doing, never makes mistakes, and to relax and go with the flow. It’s not a cliché when we hear people say ‘god wouldn’t put a mountain in front of us that we can’t get over’, all we have to do is trust that we will be okay and we will be… we have the strength, courage and resilience within each of us to deal with unexpected problems.

Which brings me back to September 2020………………….

6 months into the pandemic, I went to bed and had a beautiful visit from my spirit guide Linsu within a dream… she’s an attractive, young Chinese lady who always gifts me with bamboo, and has done since I first became acquainted with her as a small child. She told me I should be using my creativity to make jewellery… incorporating both my love of art and healing with colour, in order to keep helping other people benefit from the vibrations of the consecutive light rays and crystals. Linsu showed me examples and said the Angels will work closely with me to make beautiful bangles, as our hands are constantly moving up and down the body, thus the colour used would target all the specific energy centres of the people who wear them.

. Simply put, the colours of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet are light of varying wavelengths, which each help to balance out our chakras with the energy of the specific ray.

Chakras are circular vortexes of energy placed at different points on our spinal column and they are connected to the different organs and glands in the body.

When a chakra gets blocked or disturbed it can stop the flow of life force energy, leading to problems on our physical, emotional and mental health.

However, colour has the power to have huge positive effects on our health, as each colour emits a different frequency. Thus, colour can identify which chakra is overactive, underactive or blocked completely, which we can then correct with the appropriate use of colour thereafter to bring about healing.

Each colour also relates to our consecutive zodiac signs, the Archangels and days of the week too… the healing power of colour is astronomical!

Moving forward……….

when I woke up after my visit from Linsu, I immediately sketched down the examples of what she had showed me, and when I meditated a couple of days later in my sacred space, I vividly saw the colour of my first bangle and heard the name Chamuel, I felt compelled to listen to the divine, and my first resin bangle was born with the energy of the pink ray.

Unfortunately, it took me a couple of extra months to get the hang of working with resin as it was a first for me, which saw many failed attempts and lots of late nights before I created beautiful ones. I keep and personally wear the pink one though, regardless of its imperfections and far from being a perfect model, as its special to me and is just as powerful energetically regardless.

The rest of my bangles were/are born from the same principle… when I meditate, relax, sleep or in a creative mood listening to music I always see what colour or palette I should focus on next, and intuitively add the magic what’s encased within thereafter.

I now create bangles, made with love and light for others to enjoy, adding both ethereal and physical crystals, feathers, skeleton leaves, gold, silver or copper leaf, moss, shells, sand and real plants and flowers, which I personally pick, then press or dry in silica sand. In short, I add anything I am instinctively drawn or guided to use. Particularly those things gifted to us naturally from our amazing planet.

I don’t know if you are aware of what Ethereal crystals are or not, but in brief it is now possible to give a powerful crystal healing without the use of physical crystals, through the attunement process I received, I gained access to specific crystal energies which I can channel by intention. These Ethereal Crystals are much stronger than those found in earth. I place them within my bangles, just by pointing at certain areas on it, and by thinking the stones name. I do this with all my bangles, for example with my ‘colour of the zodiac’ bangles. Virgos for instance can often over extend themselves causing stomach ache to result, therefore I add amethyst and citrine to ease digestion. These stones will disappear when the energy is no longer needed. I do this with all the 12 signs, using the ‘power colour’ of the horoscope to aid with any weaker aspects of the consecutive sign, helping to improve mood and life in general.

However, I can recharge the bangle back up using my master crystal from a distance and re-programme it for the client’s particular needs from afar, making a talisman. Whether you are five hundred miles away or living just down the street, crystal healing can prove most effective.

I also infuse my bangles with Reiki. Reiki is ‘universal life force energy’ and is not based on any religion, faith, belief system or suggestion at all, therefore anyone can receive the energy which is imbued within my bangles. Reiki is a non-invasive complementary therapy that has been used for thousands of years in Eastern medicine, and has been taught and used in the UK since the late 1900’s… as it was recognised that Universal life force energy, Qi or Prana as it is commonly named, flows through all living things. Balancing the energies of the bangles I create, helps them to resonate with the energy of the recipient, and this in turn also creates feelings of calm, peace and harmony within the wearer.

Before charging my bangles up in either the sun or moon light, I cleanse each one with either sage smoke, a spritz of white sage spray, or a beautiful mist consisting of crystal essences, essential oils, charged spring water and infused with reiki energy, whilst saying a little prayer. I then programme the talisman/bangle for healing purposes and to bring an abundance of blessings and good fortune into the life of the wearer, or to assist with any particular problems the client is facing.

Today, in my-(rare) free time I love spending time with my family… I have three fantastic children, my eldest is Sapphire- (named after my September birth stone) then the younger twins Ian-James and Crystal who all take up a vast amount of my time, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I also enjoy art- (viewing or creating), writing and reading- (I love anything on psychology, MBTI typologies, or true stories) going to the cinema/theatre, animals, walking alone in nature to ground myself, and anything and everything mystical and magical.

I also continue to do CPD- (Continual Professional Development) courses in order to be the best I can be, so I can carry on delivering a professional service to you, as well as just for the sheer fun of learning… I am very much a nerd in that respect!

I am so pleased I listened to those above to transition my work in this direction, as everything has worked out wonderfully… as perfectly orchestrated by God and my spirit team, especially my wonderful dad who crossed over to the other side in February 2023, he is often with me in my creative space and feel his love with me as I work.

I hope you love my bangles as much as I have loved individually hand making them, and hope you wear your bangle/talisman with a feeling of joy.

My bangles are lovely for all age groups and look great aesthetically, whether you simply purchase them to accessorise your outfit, are drawn to a specific colour, or to receive the positive energies imbued… or all! Either way, your bangle from Captivated will always arrive to you with lots of love and best wishes from myself, and will be delivered gift wrapped in tissue paper in the corresponding colour of your bangle.

I could carry on writing about more of my personal spiritual journey, but my previous website consisted of the equivalent of forty-seven A4 pages, so I’ve tried to greatly dilute everything down for this site… freeing you more time to browse my gallery of work. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

I will leave my love and blessings with you.

Katie xxx