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Benefits of Talisman Healing

Colour, crystals and reiki can be very balancing to the system. Amongst other things, they can help to balance the chakras, and balancing the chakras aims to bring the body back into a state of balance. Areas of low energy are stimulated whilst areas which are overworking will be soothed. The body’s own healing mechanism is restored thus promoting self-healing.

  1. It balances the energy in the body on physical, mental and emotional levels

  2. Circulation is improved

  3. The lymphatic system is boosted thus improving immunity and removal of toxins

  4. Pain can be eased as the body is balanced

  5. The nervous system is both stimulated and soothed

  6. Helps with dealing with difficult relationships

  7. Sleep patterns may improve

  8. Tension is released

  9. Blood pressure can be normalised

  10. Pain can be eased as the body is balanced

  11. Endorphins are released, creating a feeling of well being

  12. Supports the immune system

  13. Helps with spiritual growth and development

  14. Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins

  15. Slows down the ageing process and increases vitality

  16. Can help with injuries and chronic problems

  17. Promotes a peaceful and positive outlook

  18. Helps the body recover after surgery

  19. Renewed freshness of outlook

  20. Relief of stress and anxiety- restores the body to state of ‘rest & repose’

  21. Enhanced mental clarity

  22. Enhances creativity and problem solving

  23. Removal of toxins or poisonous elements from the body

  24. Aids in clearing old patterns and limiting beliefs

  25. Encourages emotional release

  26. A sense of well being is restored

There are many, many more benefits… far too many to list here, but I think you have the idea of how positive energy healing can be.