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Colours have the ability to change our moods, blood pressure, heart rate, respiration and even how other people see us. People usually choose their clothing, accessories, home décor or vehicle… basically everything, depending on what mood they are in at the time, or what mood they would like to be in!

The colours you choose to wear in your clothing and accessories have the power to lift your mood and boost your confidence, which is why I have developed a list of key words to help you consciously choose which colour bangle is the best one for you, in order to help balance you on all levels of your being.

Chakras and Auras consist of the 7 colours of the rainbow which is the visible spectrum, and all the other colours derive from variations and blends of these colours… thus millions of shades and hues are available.

The bangles I create carry energetic vibrations within their colour and/or palette to have enough positive influence alone, not to mention the ethereal crystals, reiki energy, natural gemstones and Intentions that I programme them for, so all elements combined provide you with a powerful amulet or talisman depending on what your needs and desires are.

Below are some key words for what each colour represents: –

RED: – Sensitivity, Willpower, Motivated, Danger, Spontaneity, Romance, Grounded, Daring, Leadership, Youthful, Courage, Energy, Attention, Excitement, Passion, Love, Daring, Bold and Heat.

ORANGE: – Creativity, Productivity, Vitality, Brave, Cheerful, Fun, Courage, Outgoing, Adventurous, Optimistic, Confidence, Independent, Warmth, Pleasure, Emotional expression, and Desire.

YELLOW: – Happy, Positivity, Optimism, Idealism, Warm, Intellect, Enlightening, Inspirational, Lightness, Youth, Bright, Sunny, Energy, Clarity, Creativity, Opportunity, Humour, Fearless, Enthusiasm, Abundance and Spontaneity

GREEN: – Balance, Reassuring, Growth, Generous, Good luck, Safety, Kindness, Success, Hope, Compassionate, Prosperity, Stability, Peaceful, Social, Acceptance, Health, Fertility, Freshness, Calm, Ambition, Life, Growth, Communication, Healing, Affluent, Dependability and Harmony

PINK: – Compassion, Patience, Love, Caring, Sweet, Faithfulness, Emotional, Hope, Tenderness, Beauty, Feminine, Sympathetic, Sensitivity, Romance, Playful and Sexuality

BLUE: – Self-expression/Communicative, Strength, Depth, Security, Inner peace, Joy, Credible, Power, Wisdom, Faith, Professional, Peace, Intelligence, Devotion, Stable, Soft, Trustworthy, Freedom, Integrity, Loyalty and Calmness

PURPLE: – Spirituality, Intuition, Wisdom, Independence, Sensitivity, Compassion, Artistic qualities, Fulfilment, Luxury, Ambition, Nobility, Luxurious, Meditation, Mystery and Imagination

GREY: – Neutral, Security, Practical, Stable, Calming, Intelligence, Self-reliant, Conservative, Solid, Formal, Quiet and Reliable

BLACK: – Authority, Protection, Elegance, Sophistication, Classy, Formality, Bold, Power, Strength, Dramatic and Mystery

WHITE: – Light, Safety, Simplicity, Goodness, Fresh, Knowledge, Wisdom, Love, Perfection, Easy, Cleanliness, Coolness, Illumination, Innocents and Purity

BROWN: – Approachable, Honest, Wholesomeness, Earthy, Reliable, Organic, Safe, Genuine, Stable, Comfort, Committed and Friendly

GOLD: – Wisdom, Prosperity, Achievements, Valuable, Knowledge, Wealth, Success, Enlightenment, Status, Living, Wisdom, Optimistic, Traditional, Understanding, Charismatic and Triumph

SILVER: – Insight, Glamour, Reflection, Scientific, Clarity, Sleek, Soothing, Illuminating, Graceful, Industrial, Sophisticated, Precious, Wealth, Reflection, Modern, Dignity and Focus